A downloadable game for Windows

Rabbit Rampage: Outback Rescue is a top-down action-adventure game where players must defend the Outback from an invasion of rabbits. As the protagonist, you respond to the call for help and embark on a mission to fight against the rabbit menace, rescue captured wildlife, and restore the damaged environment.


  • W: Move the character forward.
  • A: Move the character to the left.
  • S: Move the character backwards.
  • D: Move the character to the right.


  • Left Mouse Button: Perform the primary attack action, Throwing a boomerang. 

Bunny Rabbit: Stephen Challener (Redshrike), commissioned by Tebruno99 and hosted by OpenGameArt.org

Outback Font: Outback Font | dafont.com

You move with the WASD keys and throw the boomerang with the left mouse button.


Windows.zip 27 MB

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